Tuesday, May 25, 2010

30 Things to do Before I'm 30

I'm constantly seeing all sorts of things I'd love to do with my life and I've decided to comprise a list of the few things I want to do before I'm forced to really grow up.

1. Graduate
2. Sky Dive
3. Travel to all the continental 48, all 50 if I can swing it.
4. Get married
5. Start and maintain my design portfolio
6. Re-learn the saxamaphone and join a local symphony like club
7. Re-learn the piano
8. Read 10 books from the best sellers list
9. Get out of the country at least twice/ go to Europe
10. Get a kitty/pet
11. See the grand canyon
12. Swim with dolphins/sharks
13. See SNL Live
14. Learn yoga
15. Learn a martial art
16. Go to Mardi Gras
17. Scuba dive somewhere tropical
18. Gamble in Vegas
19. Run a 5-k
20. Paint something pretty
21. Move out to a new city
22. Go to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
23. Buy a really nice camera and learn how to use it
24. Start a masters degree
25. Swim in a natural spring
26. Build a really big sandcastle
27. Go Whale watching
28. Go sailing for a day
29. Grow Roses
30. Give back/ volunteer for a good cause